The German group Rudolf-August Oetker of Bielefeld (Germany) decides to invest in the Italian beer. The name of the beer and Prinz Brau and use a specific logo for Italy, to distinguish it from the one used by the German BINDING Brauerei AG (Oetker) producing the beer under license from BRÄU PRINZ GMBH (Oetker) Dortmund (Germany). Born 4 breweries in the next four years plus a representative office.
The first built in 1962 as a Buronzo Carisio (VC) Italy, he could be seen along the 'Highway.
The company name PRINZEN BRÄU SPA CARISIO was later become PRINZ BRÄU CARISIO SPA incorporated on 16/02/1961 as stated in the Chamber of Commerce Historical Visura 1
The second was built in 1963 by way of Pope John XXIII in Crespellano n.27 (BO) with company PRINZEN BRÄU CRESPELLANO SPA then PRINZ BRÄU CRESPELLANO SPA incorporated on 20/12/1962 as stated in the Chamber of Commerce Historical Visura 2
The third station was built in 1965 on a 140 to Ferentino (FR) with a company called PRINZ BRÄU SPA FERENTINO then PRINZ BRÄU FERENTINO SPA formed on 20/09/1963 as stated in the Chamber of Commerce Historical Visura 3
The fourth was built in 1966 on Highway 98 to Bitonto (BA) with a company called PRINZ BRÄU BARI SPA incorporated on 16/11/1965 as stated in the Historical Visura 4
Following the 'opening of a Representative Office in Via San Gallo 74 Florence (FI) at the Palazzo Pandolfini 15/5/78 as stated in the Chamber of Commerce Historical Visura 5